凝固过程微观数值模拟是目前材料学科研究的一个热点 ,其中显微偏析数值模拟具有重要的指导意义 ,国内在此研究方向上尚处于起步阶段。研究了显微偏析数值模拟中微观结点数目对计算结果的影响 ,并与试验结果进行了对照 ,指出基于迭代方法的显微偏析模拟结果与微观时间步数之间的关系为弱影响 。
Micro simulation of solidification process is one of the focuses in material field, and simulation on microsegregation forming has important effect on directing materials processing. But papers about this field were seldom found on domestic publications. Influence of micro time steps on microsegregation simulation results was investigated in this paper and it is pointed out that the relation between the micro time steps and the microsegregation simulation results is weak for iterative method based microsegregation simulation. It is not necessary for using a large number of micro grids to converge the calculated results.
Strategic Study of CAE
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 5 99740 11)