分别采用磷酸、氢氧化钠和碳酸氢铵3种电解液对PAN-基碳纤维进行电化学改性处理,研究电解液种类对碳纤维电化学改性效果的影响规律.通过酸碱滴定法、原子力显微镜表征和复合材料界面剪切强度(IFSS)测试,分析纤维表面酸性官能团含量、表面形貌及其复合材料界面强度的变化规律.研究结果表明:采用磷酸和氢氧化钠电解液处理时,纤维表面酸性官能团含量随着电流强度的增加先迅速增大而后逐渐减少,电流强度为0 4A/g时达到最大值;采用碳酸氢铵电解质时,纤维表面酸性官能团含量随着电流强度的增大先缓慢增大而后迅速减少,电流强度为1 4A/g时达到最大值.针对纤维表面形貌的AFM分析表明,在磷酸和氢氧化钠电解液中处理时,复合材料的IFSS主要受纤维表面刻蚀作用的影响,而采用碳酸氢铵电解液处理时,复合材料的IFSS主要受纤维表面酸性官能团含量的影响.
PAN-based carbon fibers were modified by electrochemical treatment using phosphoric acid, sodium hydroxide and ammonium acid carbonate as electrolyte respectively. Effects of electrolytes on the electrochemical treatment of carbon fibers were studied. Titration analysis, AFM and composites IFSS measurement were used to characterize the acidic functional groups contents on the fibers surface, the surface topography and its composites interfacial shear strength. The results indicated that in phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide electrolyte, the acidic functional groups contents on the fiber surface were increased quickly with the enlarging of the current density at first and then decreased, the maximum content was obtained at (0.4 A/g;) in ammonium acid carbonate electrolyte, the acidic functional groups content was increased slowly with the current density enlarging at first and then decreased quickly, the maximum content was got at (1.4 A/g.) Combining with the surface topography analysis by AFM, the IFSS of the composites was mainly controlled by the etching action in both phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide electrolyte. In ammonium acid, the carbonate electrolyte of the composites was mainly determined by the acidic functional groups contents on the fiber surface.
Materials Science and Technology