The Dongshengmiao large--sized polymetallic pyrite deposit in Langshanarea of Innei Mongolia is located in the western part of northern North Chinaplatform and occurs within Langshan--Zhaertai faulted trough. The ore--bearingrock series of Middle Proterozoic Langshan Group is a set of fine clastic rocks-carbonate rocks which have undergone epimetamorphism. This ore deposit bearsresemblance to gigantic Proterozoic pyrite type deposits in the world in manyaspects. In this paper, the author has made a special discussion on the majorore mineral in the deposit--sphalerite, looking into the relationship. betweenthe typomorphic characterstics of sphalerite and genesis of the ore deposit. Sphalerite of this deposit was formed in two stages, with the early sphale-rite related to submarine hot--water exhaled deposition whereas the late spha-lerite to late stage regional metamorphism, being the Product of local mobiliza-tion, accumulation and recrystallization. The author bas further investigated theformation conditions of sphalerite. FeS molecules in sphalerite increase obviouslyfrom early stage to late, and the Zn/Fe ratio decreases from 8.64 to 4.06.Theunit cell parameter of sphalerite grows with the increasing FeS content. Cocontent gradually decreases from early to late stage. Temperature for the for-mation of sphalerite tends to rise from early to late. Sphalerite formedin the process of late metamorphic transformation contains more iron than theoriginally sedimentogenicsp halerite, thus constituting a mineral sequence fromsphalerite to marmatite. Typomorphic characteristics of sphalerite indicateundoubtedly that the Dongshengmiao polymetallic pyrite deposit is geneticallyof submarine hot--water exhaled deposition--weak reformation type.
Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica
typomorphic characteristic
formation condition