目的 探讨CT三维重建在侧颅底的应用价值。方法 1 5例健康成人在Picker50 0 0全身CT机上行连续轴位扫描 ,将扫描获得的原始数据输入VoxelQ图像后处理工作站 ,采用表面阴影法 (sur faceshadeddisplay ,SSD)进行三维重建。 结果 侧颅底CT三维重建能清楚显示正常侧颅底孔、裂和重要的骨性标志。重建的结构可整体显示或切割后单独显示 ,两者均可在三维空间绕任意轴旋转任意角度。结论 三维CT能立体而直观的显示侧颅底骨性结构 。
Objective To expore the applied value of 3D CT re construction of the lateral cranial base. Methods Fifteen normal adult subjects were scanned with Picker5000 CT scanner in succession in axial plane. All cases received surface shaded disply(SSD) method for reconstructio in Voxel Q CT/MRI working station.Results The 3D CT reconstruction could clearly delineate the foramina, fissures ad important bony marks. All structures reconstucted could be represented, individualy or jointly, and rotated continuously in any plane. Conclusion 3D CT might document, stereoscopically and directly,the minute structures of the lateral cranial base.It could be used to imitate operation and design operative plan.
Sichuan Journal of Anatomy