Confucius theory of the Mean has its Inherit Logicality, the author's viewpoint can be summarized as the following four points: First, the logical start of the Mean theory is Shangzhong, the essence of the Mean is Shizhong, Zhongzheng is the canon of the Mean, Zhonghe is the ideal target of the theory of the Mean. The basic connotation of Shangzhong is not to overdo and not to underdo or no much and no less. Shizhong means nothing wrong and nothing right because of that judgement to a thing varies at different time. Zhongzheng is propriety and righteousness. Zhonghe a highly harmonious state of the nature. Shangzhong is a concept belonging to traditional theory originally. And the concepts of Shizhong, Zhongzheng and Zhonghe were developed from the Shangzhong by Confucius. These concepts, which are the major part of the Mean theory of Confucius, had greatly enriched and expanded the theory of Shangzhong.
Qilu Journal