Objective: To find out the correlated factors of the duration of vaginal bleeding after drug - in-duced abortion and their quantitative relationships. Methods: 136 women were closely followed - up for the whole course by prospective study method. Cox regression and Kaplan - Meier analysis was used. Results: Curettage of the uterine cavity was performed in 11 cases due to prolonged duration of vaginal bleeding ( > 14 days) and/or intrauterine residuals showed by B - mode (mean diameter >2. Ocm). Cox regression analysis showed that mean diameter of gestational sac ( GS) , serum ### - hCG concentration after drug - induced abor-tion and the interval between blood - sampling and abortion were related to the duration of vaginal bleeding after drug - induced abortion. The possibility of continuing vaginal bleeding increased by 1. 0002 times if se-rum ### - hCG concentration increased 1 IU/L; while the possibility increased by 1. 596 times if GS increased 1 cm. There is significant difference between GS group and serum p - hCG concentration group (P < 0. 01). Conclusion: GS mean diameter is more effective for predicting the duration of vagina] bleeding after drug -induced abortion, while serum ### - hCG detection only once after drug - induced abortion is limited to predict . Re - examination of serum###p - hCG before and after abortion is recommended, which is more effective for predicting the duration of vaginal bleeding, especially for serum p - hCG before drug - induced abortion. Missed period should not be considered as an effective predictive index alone.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning