

The Innovation and Surpassing of the Communist Party of China on the Theory of the Ownership's Form
摘要 多年来,我党在不断深化对社会主义认识的基础上,对传统所有制结构理论进行了大胆的探索与创新,丰富和发展了马克思主义关于所有制问题的理论。党的十六大在此基础上进一步强调,要把坚持公有制的主体地位和促进非公有制经济发展统一于社会主义现代化建设的进程中。同时提出理顺收入分配关系,"完善保护私人财产的法律制度"。显示了党和政府坚持现阶段"基本经济制度"这一政策的长期性、连续性和稳定性。对引导我国多种所有制经济的健康发展,必然产生深远影响。 Since 1949 the communist party of China had surpassed the traditional theory about the public sectors boldly based on the deepened realization to socialism. In the 16th party congress of the C.P.C. the development of non-public sectors has been stressed. The congress demanded that we should stimulate the development of the non-public sectors while keeping the public sector as the dominant player, instead of setting them against each other. All sectors of the economy can very well display their respective advantages in market competition and stimulate one another for common development. At the same time, the congress surpassed the traditional theory about the public sectors and confirmed the important role of the non-public sector of self-employed, private and other forms of ownership of the economy. In the near future the party and the government will improve the legal system for protecting private property.
作者 王世勇
机构地区 中共中央党校
出处 《株洲工学院学报》 2004年第1期16-18,共3页 Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology
关键词 所有制结构 中国共产党 理论创新 收入分配关系 社会主义公有制 The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China the ownership's form the innovation in the theory the matter of income distribution
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