以斯威齐和保罗·巴兰为代表的激进依附论者 ,继承并且发扬了马克思对资本主义制度的批判精神 ,并且通过视角的转换 ,在对全球化———也就是资本主义世界体系的形成过程中边缘国家“不发达”问题的研究中取得了比较重要的成果。我们应该用马克思主义的立场和方法来分析他们的学说 ,同时也加深我们对全球化现象的理解。
Paul M. Sweezy and Paul Baran, as the representatives of the radical Theories of Dependency, inherited and carried forward the Marxist tradition. They criticized of the capitalism, and gained great achievements on the studies of underdevelopment in the process of globalization. We must analyze their theories from the perspective of Marxism, on the basis of which we can develop our understanding on globalization.
Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(Social Sciences Edition)