很多人认为同源宾语结构中的动词为不及物动词 ,没有赋格的能力 ,所以其后所接的名词短语 (NP)不是动词宾语 ,而是无格的附加语 (adjunct)。因为有格的名词或名词短语 ,必须符合θ准则 (θ -Criterion)和经受格鉴别式 (Case-Filter)的鉴别 ;而附加语无格 ,不要经过格鉴别式 ,而且不在θ准则的应用范围之内。文章试图通过对这些观点进行分析 ,结合乔姆斯基的管约理论 (Government-BindingTheory)和对动词语义结构的分析 ,认为同源宾语由该结构中隐含语义因子
In GB framework, θ-criterion and case-filter determine the distribution of NPs in English. Such English verbs as die, live, dream etc. are typical intransitive verbs which are semantically one-place predicates. Without θ-role, cognate objects of these verbs have been argued not to be object but to be caseless adjunct. This paper aims to show that there is no adequate and even some improper treatment of cognate object in English, and to suggest a more satisfactory approach to the phenomena involved, that is, according to the semantic representation of this kind of structure, we argue that cognate object receives case from the implied semantic featureof the structure.
Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)