通过对 2 52 Cf自发裂变产生的瞬发γ射线的多重符合测量 ,对丰中子核 116,118,12 0 Cd的高自旋态进行了研究 .实验是利用美国罗仑兹伯克利实验室的超级γ球探测装置进行的 .118Cd的晕带自旋扩展到 18 ,而116,12 0 Cd的晕带扩展到 16 .利用推转壳模型对带结构进行了计算 ,对这几个核晕带很陡的回弯现象做了讨论 .在每个核中观测到了 5 -和 7-能级 ,对其特性进行了讨论 .在 118Cd中还观测到一个基于
High spin states in neutron-rich 116,118,120Cd nuclei have been investigated by observing high-fold prompt γ-ray coincidence events from the spontaneous fission of 252Cf with the Gammasphere detector array. The yrast bands have been extended with spin up to 18 in 118Cd and 16 in 116,120Cd respectively. The band structures are calculated using the cranked shell model and possible origination for the backbends in the yrast bands is discussed. Proposed 5 - and 7 - levels are observed in each of these cadmium isotopes, and possible explanation for the negative states is discussed based on systematic comparison. A quasi-rotational band based on 7 - level in 118Cd has been established.
High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G2 0 0 0 0 7740 0 )
国家自然科学基金 ( 19975 0 2 8)
美国能源部 (DE FG0 5 88ER40 40 7)资助~~