Taking the lead in implementing China-Thailand zero tariff fruit and vegetable agreement will upgrade the scale and level of trade of the two countries in this regard,and also be of great significance to promote further opening-up of bilateral and even the whole regional market as well as enhance the establishment of China-ASEAN FTA.Southwest Area enjoys advantages in fruit and vegetable trade with Thailand because of its lowcost,convenient transportation condition and time differˉence.If to benefit more from the agreement,it should work out countermeasures as soon as possible and form up its"early suˉperiority’.
Taking the lead in implementing China-Thailand zero tariff fruit and vegetable agreement will upgrade the scale and level of trade of the two countries in this regard,and also be of great significance to promote further opening-up of bilateral and even the whole regional market as well as enhance the establishment of China-ASEAN FTA.Southwest Area enjoys advantages in fruit and vegetable trade with Thailand because of its lowcost,convenient transportation condition and time differˉence.If to benefit more from the agreement,it should work out countermeasures as soon as possible and form up its'early suˉperiority'.
Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies