目的 :探讨副神经移位恢复肩关节功能的最佳受区神经选择。方法 :随访副神经移位治疗臂丛神经损伤5 4例 ,观察、比较肩关节功能的恢复。结果 :随访 9~ 3 4个月 (平均 16.6个月 ) ,副神经移位到肩胛上神经肩外展≥3 0°恢复率 75 % ,移位到腋神经肩外展≥ 3 0°恢复率 3 3 .3 % ,移位到上干后股肩外展≥ 3 0°恢复率 3 0 .8%。结论 :副神经移位到肩胛上神经效果优于移位到腋神经或上干后股 ,应把移位修复肩胛上神经作为首选。
Objective: To explore the best choice of recipient nerve for spinal accessory nerve transfer for treatment of the brachial plexus injury to restore shoulder abduction. Methods:To follow up 54 patients with spinal accessory nerve transfer for treatment of the brachial plexus injury.Observed and compared the reconstruction of the shoulder abduction. Results:The follow-up period were 9~34 months (averaged 16.6 months), shoulder abduction ≥30° was achieved in 75% of the patients for repair of the suprascapular nerve; Patients with axillary nerve as recipient nerve, shoulder abduction ≥30° was achieved in 33.3%; patients with the posterior division of upper trunk as recipient nerve, shoulder abduction ≥30° was achieved in 30.8%. Conclusion: Spinal accessory nerve transfer to restore shoulder abduction,outcomes in patients with suprascapular nerve as recipient nerve is significantly better than that in patients with axillary nerve or posterior division of upper trunk as recipient nerve, so the suprascapular nerve should be selected as the best choice of recipient nerve.
Orthopedic Journal of China