
提高啤酒辅料用量的工艺探讨 被引量:1

Technological Investigation on Increasing the Use Quantity of the Auxilliary Materials of Beer
摘要 麦芽、大米、焦香麦芽配料比为40∶58.5∶1.5 ,总料水比控制在1∶4.2~4.5。在麦汁煮沸前添加5 %酵母浸出液来补充糖化麦汁氮源不足。提高辅料用量后 ,糖化配料时焦香麦芽投放量为总投料量的1 %~2 % ,酿造出的啤酒口味纯净、爽口 ,无异杂味 ,非生物稳定性好。(孙悟) The mixture ratio of malt, rice and scorched malt was 40∶58.5∶1.5 and the ratio of gross materials and water was 1∶4.2~4.5. Before the boiling of wort, the addition of 5% yeast steeped liquid could supply the insufficient nitrogen source in the saccharified wort. The quantity of saccharified mixture component, scorched malt, should be 1%~2% of the total quantity of the materials. Through the above measures, the beer produced had no off -flavour and good non-biological stability and tasted pure and wonderful.(Tran.by YUE Yang)
作者 张传部
出处 《酿酒科技》 2001年第2期53-54,共2页 Liquor-Making Science & Technology
关键词 啤酒 辅料用量 工艺探讨 beer use quantity of auxilliary materials technical investigation
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