综述了用于处理TNT(2,4,6 三硝基甲苯)污染土壤的几种以生物为基础的技术,分析了每种方法的优缺点.厌氧微生物生物处理技术、土壤泥浆反应器、堆肥、植物生物救治作用,植物共生菌以及表达微生物降解酶的TNT转基因植物均已用于TNT的生物降解.厌氧生物处理技术对炸药污染物的去除比好氧技术更有效.在细胞、分子水平上研究对炸药具有特殊降解能力的微生物、酶的微观结构和生化性质是当今环境工程微生物学的前沿之一.
It is reviewed some technologies for the remediation of TNTcontaminated soils based on biologically technologies and analyzed the merits and demerits of every technology.Anaerobic biological treatment technology,soil slurry reactors,composting,biological remediation phytoremediation,plantbacterium combinations,and transgenic plants that express microbial degradative enzymes for TNT have been used in biological degradation of TNT.Anaerobic biological treatment technology has more effects than aerobic biological treatment technology in explosive removed from contaminated soils.It is becoming frontier in current environmental engineering microbiology to study the microstructure and biochemical properties of microbial and enzymes having the ability of explosivesdegrading in the level of cell and molecule.
Journal of Hebei Normal University:Natural Science