

On the Theoratical Target of Granmatical Studies
摘要 自古以来,人们对语法有着多种理解,对其所研究的学科对象有着不同的观点,先后产生了传统语法、结构主义语法、转换生成语法、功能主义语法等。我国的语法学源于西方传统语法学,对语法性质及研究对象的认识也经历了一个发展过程。但就汉语的实际而言,句子结构包容量大,句子是最基本的交际单位,其结构和使用规律反映了语法的基本规律。因此,语法学研究应该以句子的结构规律和使用规律为学科对象,做到形式和意义相结合,结构和功能相结合,静态和动态相结合。 Since ancient times, people have varieties of understanding grammar and have different ideas about the target of discipline, from which traditional grammar, structural grammar, transformational-generative grammar and functional grammar result. Chinese syntax origins from the western traditional syntax, and it also experiences long development of studying the features of grammar and the target of research. As for the reality of Chinese language, sentence structure contains large information and so sentence is the most basic unit of communication. Its structure and principle of usage reflect grammar's basic principle. Therefore, the principle of sentence structure and its usage should be the target of discipline of research on syntax, with the combination of form and meaning, structure and function, static and dynamic.
作者 马乃田
出处 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2004年第1期166-168,共3页 Journal of Shangqiu Normal University
关键词 语法学 学科对象 汉语 句子 结构规律 使用规律 grammar grammatical research target of discipline
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