高校写作课的传统教学模式过于偏重“纯理论” ,不利于学生实际写作能力的训练提高 ;而近年来的写作教学改革尝试 ,或注重新编教材 ,或偏重“纯技术主义”的训练 ,但理论与写作实践训练仍未能实现“有机融合”。要真正实现这一课程教学改革的突破 ,应试行重新分布教学时段、采用递进式结构教材及配套训练方式、划小教学单位、因材施教等全方位改革举措 ,从而探索出一条富有实效的教改之路。
The traditional mode of writing course emphasized on pure theory,which is not beneficial to the improvement of the students' writing ability;the trial reform on the teaching of writing in recent years can not realize the interconnected combination of theory and training on writing practice as some overemphasized on the newly compiled course book and some on the training of “pure techniques”.Thus,thorough reform measures should be taken by means of the relocation of teaching period of time,the adoption of progressive textbooks,and auxiliary training method,the classes in small size,and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude,etc,so that a new way can be achieved in this course.In this way,an effective teaching reform approach can be probed.