18~ 2 3岁男、女大学生随年龄、体重的增长体脂缓慢增长 ,而去脂体重即瘦体重 (LBM)却呈下降趋势 ;18~ 2 3岁各年龄组大学生中 ,男生 18、19岁年龄组的无氧工作能力及 18岁年龄组的有氧工作能力明显好于其他各年龄组 (P <0 .0 5) ;女生 18、19岁年龄组的无氧及有氧工作能力均明显好于其他各年龄组 (P <0 .0 1) ;18~ 2 3岁各年龄组男、女大学生中 ,体脂高的学生的坐位体前屈、肺活量体重指数、立定跳远、10 0 0m跑 (男子 )及 80 0m跑 (女子 )、握力体重指数等 5项体质指标与体脂正常学生比较 ,有显著或非常显著差异 (P<0 .0 5或P <0 .0 1)。建议采取适当手段对大学生特别是体脂高的学生进行必要的体质健康干预 。
purpose of research: investigate the relationship between physical composition and athletic ability and good physique for university students. Method of research: Experimental research method, look-up literature method, mathematical and chemical statistics method, etc. Result and conclusion of research:For both male and female students from 18 to 23 years old, their fat increases slowly as them growing older and weight getting heavy, while their LBM decreases.For both male and female students from 18 to 23 years old, aerobic working ability of the 18 and 19- year-old male age group and the anaerobic working ability of the 18-year-old male age group are much better than those of the other age group(P<0.05);both aerobic and anaerobic working ability of the 18 and 19- year-old female age group are much better than those of the other age group(P<0.01).For both male and female students from 18 to 23 years old, the 5 physique indices of the students with high fat have difference or remarkable difference(P<0.05 or P<0.01) from those of the students with regular fat.These 5 physique indiceses are seated body bending,vital capacity weight index, standing long jump,1000 meters running(male) and 800 meters running(female), gripping power weight index number.Suggestions:Adopt opportune means and conduct necessary health interference for university students, especially students with high fat so as to improve their physique health.
Journal of Physical Education