江浙战争是 2 0世纪 2 0年代国内政局转化的一个关键点。此前两省曾保持了一段较长时间的稳定秩序。但派系冲突、上海辖权的争执等因素终于促使战祸发生。战争并未带来很大的兵力消耗 ,却招致严重的兵灾 ,以及巨额的经济损失。战争对两省绅商心理有着深远影响 。
The war between Jiangsu and Zhejiang was a key to the change of internal political situation in the early period of the Republic of China. The war didn't result in a mass death of soldiers but in a frightful calamity and enormous economic loss. It also had far-reaching effect on the two provinces and the domestic political (situation.) The peace movement and the cause of the war Despite the involvement of many other places of the country in the prolonged war after 1911, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces remained at peace until the 1920's when the relationship between the two provinces was in crisis from time to time. The local gentry-merchants launched a peace movement so as to stop the war (temporarily). Owing to the strategic relations between the provinces, the powers' interests and the joint efforts by local gentry-merchants, a peace agreement was signed in 1923 by Lu Yongling and Qi Xieyuan (military chiefs of the two provinces), who undertook to defend their people and territories. The war and its loss The war was launched by Qi Xiyuan, who prepared the military operations in August. It was started at Huangdu on September 10. After a seesaw battle came a stalemate. But the invasion by the Fujian troop into Zhejiang on September 17 caused Lu Yongxiang and He Fenglin to resign, thus ending the war. During and after the war, people were forced to serve as coolies for the army, to make money (contributions), and kidnapped. Markets were closed. Traffic was often blocked. The influence of the war: local and national The war exerted profound influence on the two provinces and the psychology of their gentry-merchants. To prevent war, they made greater efforts to promote the autonomy movement with a view to dismissing the military chief, moving the arsenal away and stationing no troops in Shanghai, which were not done until January 1925, and also made good preparations for the May 30th Movement (1925) for protesting against imperialists (slaughter) of Chinese demonstrators in foreign concessions of Shanghai. T
Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
Jiangsu-Zhejiang War
political change