4Ernest van den Haag,Punishing Criminals:Conceming A Very Old and Painful Question,New York:Basic Books,Inc.Publishers,1975.pp.49-50,p.181-187,p.42,p.27-28. 被引量:1
512Andrew von Hirshch,Past or Future Crimes:Deservedness and Dangerousness in the Sentencing of Criminals.New Brunswick and London Rutgers University Press,1987,p.49,p.53,p.54. 被引量:1
6Herbert L.Packer,The Limits of the Criminal Sanciton,Stanford:Stanford Univcrsity Press,1968,p.68,p.69. 被引量:1
7Auf Ross,On Guilt,Responsibility and Punishment,London:Stevens and Sons,1975,p.44. 被引量:1
8Philip Bean,Punishrnent:A Philosophical and Criminological Inquiry,Oxford:Martin Robertson,1981,p.42. 被引量:1
9Emest van dcn Haag,“punitive Sentences”,7 Hofstra Law Reviw,1978,pp.131-134. 被引量:1