我们置身于其中的世纪之交是中国学术界的文化自觉和学术回归的时代。一方面 ,许多有识之士通过一些高质量的国际学术会议的举办、一些有远见的期刊的海外原创性学术论文的刊发 ,特别是通过对同时代国外著名理论家和学者的新著的高水平翻译和文本解读 ,开始探索在全球化背景下建立直接的、同时代的、近距离的、甚至面对面的跨文化交流和对话机制 ;另一方面 ,哲学通过回归以多元差异为基本精神的文化批判而真正回归生活世界 ,成为社会运行的内在的自我批判和清醒的自我意识 ,自觉地关注我们这个时代重大的、焦点性的生存问题。我们高兴地看到一些富有生命力的学术新生点的出现、一批思想深邃才华横溢的学者的崭露头角、一批扎实厚重深刻冷静的学术成果的问世。特别令我们欣喜的是 ,一些依托具有深厚人文背景的大学园地的、具有独特问题域和理论特色的学术研究团体或理论流派初见端倪呼之欲出。这一理论趋向预示着更大学术繁荣的可能性。为此 ,《求是学刊》在进行了“2 0世纪末中国哲学研究重大问题检讨”和“关注我们这个时代的哲学”几组热点问题的探讨之后 ,我们拟围绕着这一理论趋向继续深化“关注我们这个时代的哲学”专栏 ,并特邀著名学者担任主持人 ,为这一理论趋向的充分自觉 。
As a leftist's discourse, Laclau and Mouffe' radical democratic programs of politics is, in effect, a kind of value position that is formed by transforming the objective 'social' existence into subjective discourse space on the basis of Althusser and Lacan's 'anti-essentialism' logic. In the position, the antagonistic foundations of politics become individual antagonism that has no concern for social conditions, while politics itself turns into a hegemonistic struggle (namely the struggle for the discourse). It is this reason that this political program completely abandons the key theories of Marxism, that is, the distinction of the economic basis and superstructures, and class struggles, etc. This article elaborates on such linguistic diversion of Marxism from the aspect of the direct backgrounds of post-Marxism's emergence along with its theoretical logic and points out that it is an ethic outlet for the Western Left to get out of their own crisis.
Seeking Truth