当代生活世界具有新的结构与特点 ,从价值哲学视角加以解读 ,更显人文性和终极性。由市场经济直接推动的全球化过程使生活内容超越了经济的边界而具有了人文特点 ,引发了直击生活深处的价值冲突 :简约与复杂、祛魅与返魅、建构与解构的并存与悖论 ,使生活世界具有了价值二重性。
The contemporary living world is of new structure and features, and is of more humane and terminate if to interpret from the viewpoint of value philosophy. The globalization directly pushed forward by market economy has made the life content be beyond economy and be of humane features, has kindled the value collision deeply rooted in life: the coexistence and conflict among simplicity and complexity, disenchantment and re-enchantment, construction and deconstruction has made the living world be of value duplicity. To look for the solution suitable to Chinese features is the theoretical mission as well as the practical requirement.
Jianghai Academic Journal