Abundant biomarkers,including n-alkanes,isoprenoid,steranes an d terpanes,are detected by GC-MS from the Lower Jurassic marine oil sh ales i n Shuanghu area and Miocene con tinental oil shales in Hoh Xil area,t he Zangbe i Plateau.The biomarker comb inations in both areas have distinct differences, and are in close relationship with organic matter import and sedim entary enviro nment.The n-alkanes of marine oil shales show a d ominance of low carbon molec ular components with highest peaks of nC 15 ,nC 16 or nC 17 .OEP values of the n-alkanes show no odd-even carbon dominance.Pr/Ph r a tios indicate most marine oil shales possess pristine dominance.There a re al so short ofa-carotene in marine oil shales,with low abundance gammacerane.Al l these biomarkers characteristics indicate organic matters in marine oil shales are of alg ae origin,with proper contribution from terrestrial plant.Biomarke rs para meters also reflect that deposition al environment under low oxygen or a n oxic condition,with weak oxidation or we ak reduction.It documents that the e arly Toarcian anoxic organic-rich b lack oil shale is a global event controll ed by sea level change.The n-alkanes of continental oil shales h ave a dominan ce of high carbon number,with nC 23 or nC 29 as the highest peaks.OEP values show that n-alkanes possess outstanding od d carbon number distribution.Pr/Ph ratios show that continental oil s hales h ave phytane dominance.a-carotene abundance is relatively high and ratios of g ammacerane/áaC 30 hop range from 0.34to 0.60.All these biomarker characteristics refl ect organic ma tters are of terrestrial plant (early stage C 3-type,later period C 4-type)origin,with proper import of algae.Especially,the upper part of c ontinental oil shales in section sequence possesses ab undant Botryococus impor t.This special plant import re sults in abnormity of? 13 C.Biomarkers parameters also indic ate oxygen deficiency and reduction dep ositional environment of continent al oil shales.It reflects that lacustrine ec osystem were
biomarkers contrast
organic matt e r import
depositional environment
marine oil shales
continental oil shales
Zangbei Plateau