【目的】施用锌肥是改善作物缺锌、提高产量和籽粒锌含量的重要措施。锌肥的施用效果受多种因素的影响,通过总结自70年代以来锌肥施用对我国主要粮食作物小麦、玉米、水稻产量的影响,分析不同年代、锌肥施用方式、锌肥用量对这三大作物产量影响的进程,探讨锌肥的适宜用量和施用方式。【方法】利用万方数据库、中国知网,查阅了1970至2013年间,我国主要粮食作物水稻、小麦和玉米锌肥施用相关的田间试验文献333篇,剔除文献中没有产量数据、没有具体施肥相关信息如施肥量、施肥方式等文献,有效样本数总计为1656个。采用相关分析、方差分析等统计分析方法,Microsoft Excel 2010软件分析。【结果】锌肥增产效果受锌肥施用方式、施用量、年代的影响,具体结果如下,1)锌肥施用方式土壤施用、叶面喷施和种子处理在小麦上的平均增产率分别为11.3%、10.0%和11.1%;在玉米上的平均增产率分别为13.7%、12.7%和12.1%;水稻上的平均增产率分别为15.0%、9.8%和9.7%。与叶面喷施和种子处理相比,无论是小麦、玉米还是水稻,土施锌肥的增产效果最好。2)锌肥施用量小麦、玉米和水稻的增产率随土施锌肥量增加而增加,当施锌量达到一定量后,随施肥用量的进一步增大,增产率有所降低。小麦、玉米和水稻土施锌肥的合适用量分别为15~45 kg/hm2、20~30 kg/hm2、20~30kg/hm2。小麦增产率与喷施锌肥的浓度关系不明显,叶面喷施浓度在0.4%~0.5%ZnSO4·7H2O时增产效果最佳;而玉米、水稻增产率和叶面喷施锌肥的浓度变化趋势与土施锌肥变化趋势一致。过去40年玉米和水稻适宜喷施锌肥浓度分别是0.1%~0.3%、0.2%~0.4%ZnSO4·7H2O。3)施肥年代随着年代的变化,不同作物施用锌肥的增产幅度不同。随着年代的推进,同一锌肥施用方式在小麦上增产率呈逐渐增高的趋势;锌肥土施和叶面喷施在玉米
[Objectives]The application of zinc ( Zn) fertilizer is an effective measure to solve Zn deficiency and to improve both yield and grain Zn content in cereal crops. The effects of Zn application are affected by many factors. The effects of Zn application approaches and rates on the yield of wheat, maize, rice since the 1970s in China were summarized to explore an optimized approach and rate of Zn fertilizer in production systems of cereal crops.[Methods]The data was collected from WanFangDATA and CNKI, including 333 literatures about the effects of Zn application on the production of wheat, maize and rice from 1970 to 2013 in China under field conditions. 1656 test samples were selected by excluding the literatures without yield data and specific fertilizer information such as a concrete application approach and rate of Zn fertilizer. Data was analyzed by correlation analysis and analysis of variance using Microsoft Excell2010 softwares. [Results]The positive effects of Zn applications on the crop yields were affected by application approaches and rates of Zn and different years. The main results were as follows, 1 ) Effects of Zn application methods The average yield increase induced by application methods such as soil, foliar and seed-treating applications of Zn fertilizer were 11. 3%, 10. 0%, 11. 1%, respectively for wheat, 13. 7%, 12. 7%, 12. 1% for maize and 15. 0%, 9. 8%, 9. 7% for rice. Compared with foliar and seed-treated applications, soil application of Zn consistently achieved the highest yield increase regardless of crops. 2) Effects of Zn application rates With increases of soil Zn-applied rates, the average yield increase of wheat, maize and rice tended to increase continuously. When the soil applied Zn reached a certain amount, the yield increase showed a slight decrease. The optimized soil Zn-applied rates for higher increases in yield of wheat, maize and rice were 15-45 kg /hm2 , 20 -30 kg/hm2 , and 20 -30 kg/hm2 , respectively. The foliar applications of Zn showed an irregular effect on the yiel
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
application approach
zinc fertilizer rate
yield increase
cereal crops