The novel Burqin Spectrum(Buerjin Guangpu),written by ayoung writer Zhang Haohao,the generation of 1970 s,presents a localized narrative on Burqin,a small border city in Xinjiang,which has made a valuable artistic exploration of novel aesthetics,which is called 'spectrum'poetics.Unlike polyphonic poetics,apoetics of 'tone'that resorts to the appropriation of various voices of the characters in literary writing, 'spectrum'poetics is a poetics of 'hue',which relies on the image color.Both of them are prone to the 'decentralized'or 'polycentric'narratives which intend to surpass the mainstream narrative modes of character-centered or plot-centered.However,polyphonic poetics or polyphonic novels place greater emphasis on the contrariety and difference of the voices of the characters,but rejects the identical traits among them.Nevertheless, 'spectrum'poetics and 'spectrum'novels still insists on this identity in addition to the recognition of all contrariety and difference,and lay more stress on the balance between traditional and modern novel's narrative mode.In short,Zhang Haohao's Burqin Spectrum(Buerjin Guangpu)has further developed the concept of 'spectrum'poetics which can be situated in the trajectory of the tradition of Chinese modern and contemporary prose novels or poetic novels as represented by Xiao Hong's the Biography of Hulan River(Hulan He Zhuan).
Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism