当"Jingle bells"的音乐传遍大街小巷,天使唱起了优美的歌,礼物和蜡烛挂上了圣诞树的枝头,孩子们偷偷地把长筒袜放到枕从底下,还埋头在繁忙工作中的人们才蓦然醒悟——圣诞节到了有多久没有和昔日的好友相聚了?有多久没有和自已的爱人一起共进晚餐了?……在这个魅惑的夜里,开一瓶快乐的香槟,让升腾的气泡驱散心头的阴郁,喷酒出我们的热情,今夜,我们要爱的彻底。
Not until Jingle bells meanders through all the streets. angles begin their sweet songs.gifts and candles climb up Christmas trees.and children secretly put socks under their pillows.will people busy at work suddenly realize that Christmas has come. How long have not we got together with old friends?How long have not we had dinner with our sweetheart?In this fascinating night.let us open the Champagne to disperse our depression and trigger off our enthusiasm.During this night.let us have a thorough joy.