A survey on the susceptibility of brown planthopper collected fromdifferent areas of Zhejiang province to γBHC,malathion and parathionwas tested by topical application in 1977.The data obtained showedthat resistance of brown planthopper to γBHC and malathion appearedin paddy rice fields between June and early July in the areas of thisprovince was 2.4~6.8 and 3 times respectively in comparison with thatof Wucun Juxian County.The autumnal generation was 4.7-fold resistantto γBHC as compared with LD_(50) of the immigrant summer generation.The resistant laboratory strain originated from the autumnal generationin Dongyang County was 11.5 times resistant to γBHC as comparedwith the susceptible strain from the immigrant summer generation inWucun Juxian County.It was found that the susceptibility of the above-mentioned strain (γBHC-resistant strain) to organophosphates such asmalathion,parathion and sumithion was the same as the susceptiblestrain.
Journal of Plant Protection