随着全球能源互联网的不断发展,对于电力设备的小型化、智能化、环保清洁化要求越来越高。SF_6气体由于其具有良好的绝缘性能和灭弧性能被广泛地应用到气体绝缘全封闭组合电器(gas-insulated switchgear,GIS)和气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路(gas-insulated transmission lines,GIL)中,对于提高输电容量及电力设备的小型化、智能化具有重要作用,但是SF_6气体的排放会加剧全球温室效应。因此,研究能够有效替代SF_6的新型环保绝缘气体得到越来越多的关注。从绝缘性能和灭弧性能两方面介绍国内外对SF_6替代气体的研究现状及最新研究成果,旨在为我国在SF_6替代气体的研究方面提供一定的参考。
With the continuous development of global energy internet, the demand for the miniaturized, intelligent,environmentally-friendly and clean production power equipment is higher and higher. SF_6 gas has been widely applied to gas-insulated switchgear(GIS) and gas-insulated transmission lines(GIL) due to its excellent insulating property and arc extinguishing performance, which plays an important role in improving the transmission capacity and the miniaturization of intelligent power equipment. However, the emission of SF_6 gas also greatly contributes to global warming, so there has been a growing interest in studying the new type of environmentally friendly insulation gas which can effectively substitute SF_6 gas. This paper describes the latest research results and research status of the substitutes for SF_6 gas at home and abroad from both the insulation performance and arc extinguishing performance, which aims to provide some valuable reference for the study of substitutes for SF_6 gas in our country.
Smart Grid
substitutes for SF_6 gas
insulating property
arc extinguishing performance