目的 :探讨红外热像图对乳腺病变性质的鉴别诊断价值。材料与方法 :对 13 3例单侧乳腺病变患者 (经术后病理证实恶性病变 5 3例 ,良性病变 80例 )术前进行红外热像图扫描。分析热像图像 ,并记录病变区温度 (T)及其与周围区的温差 (△T1) ,患侧乳头、乳晕及全乳与对侧相应区域的温差 (依次△T2 ,△T3及△T4)。结果 :乳腺癌患者T、△T1、△T2、△T3及△T4值均明显高于乳腺良性病变患者。乳腺恶性病变诊断符合率为 90 .6% ( 4 8/5 3 ) ;良性病变诊断符合率为 88.8% ( 71/80 )。其良恶性鉴别诊断总符合率为 89.5 %。结论 :红外热像图是鉴别诊断乳腺良恶性病变的有效影像学方法 ,可为临床治疗提供可靠的诊断依据。
Purpose: To evaluate the differential diagnostic value of infrared thermography in primary breast neoplasm. Materials and Methods: 133 patients with unilateral breast disease were examined before surgical operation by WP-95 Infrared Thermography Instrument. In those patients 53 primary breast carcinoma and 80 benign neoplasm were verified by the results of pathology. The temperature of neoplasm area (T), the difference between T and that of surrounding area (△T1), and the differences between mean temperatures of the mammilla(△T2), the mamma areolata (△T3), the whole mamma (△T4) on the lesion side and that of the contra lateral breast were obtained. Results: T,△T1, △T2, △T3 and △T4 in patients with malignant tumor were all significantly higher than those with benign neoplasm. The senstivity of thermography in breast cancer was 90.5%(48/53), specificity 88.8%(71/80) and the total accuracy was 89.5%. Conclusion: Infrared thermography is an effective imaging method to diagnose primary breast neoplasms, and to provide useful information for surgical operation.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging