目的 :探讨脂肪栓塞综合征 (FES)的CT与MRI表现。材料和方法 :回顾性分析临床证实的 11例FES影像学资料 ,11例均行头部 /肺部CT扫描 ,其中 5例作胸部X线摄片 ,5例MRI检查头部。结果 :头部CT扫描 8例 ,4例显示脑内低密度病灶 ,4例无异常 ;MRI检查 5例 ,病变在T1WI呈等信号 4例和低信号 1例 ,T2WI均为高信号。胸部X线摄片 5例 ,2例显示两侧肺纹理增粗或散在斑片状影 ,1例双肺野弥漫病灶 ,2例无异常发现 ;肺部CT检查 5例 ,均见到多灶性实变、磨玻璃影、结节及坠积现象。结论 :影像学检查可为FES的诊断提供直接的证据 ,MRI扫描的T2WI ,应作为头部FES首选的检查方法 ,而肺部FES应首选胸部CT检查。
Purpose: To evaluate the CT and MRI manifestations of fat embolism syndrome(FES). Materials and Methods: Imaging data of 11 cases of FES proved by clinical diagnosis were analysed retrospectively, including the brain and/or chest CT scan in 11 cases, among them 5 cases had the chest plain films and 5 cases had the brain MR scans. Results: The result showed that the lesions of brain were found to have hypo intensity in 4 cases who had CT scans, the others were normal; 5 cases had MR scans and were found in 4 cases with iso signals on T1WI and in 1 case with hypo signal, but high signals on T2WI were identified in all patients. Pulmonary findings appeared as follow: chest film showed bilateral large of the lung markings in 5 cases or multiple patchy in 2 cases, diffuse shadow in 1 case, the 4 cases were normal; on CT scans, multifocal areas of consolidation and ground glass opacity or nodules and gravity dependent opacity were seen in all 5 patients. Conclusion: The imaging examinations can provide evidences directly for FES, so we suggest that T2WI technique of MRI should be the first choice for the patients who suffering from cerebral FES and CT scans is the most reliable method for the diagnosing pulmonary FES.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging