本文报导了浙江产柃木属Eurya Thunb.12种和1变种,其中金叶微毛柃E.hebeclados Ling var.aureo-punctata为新组合,尖萼毛柃E.acutisepala L.K.Ling及从化柃E.metcalfiana Kobuski为浙江分布新记录。 文中包括分种检索表及每一分类群的列举及其地理分布、生态条件和分类讨论。 本文中所研究和引证的大多数标本藏于杭州植物园植物标本室和杭州大学生物系植物标本室。
In this article we have recorded 12 species and 1 variety of the genus Eurya of Zhejiang, among which is combined for the first time 1 variety E. hebeclados Ling var. aureo-punctata (H. T. Chang) L. K. Ling, 2 species, E. acutisepala L. K. Ling and E. metcalfiana Kobuski are considered to be the new additions in Zhejiang.A Key to species and an enumeration including distributions, ecological conditions and taxonomy of every taxon are given.Most of the specimens studied and cited in this paper are conserved in the herbarium of the Hangzhou Botanical Garden and the rest in the herbarium of the Department of Biology, Hangzhou University.
Journal of Zhejiang A&F University