
“一带一路”绿色发展的战略实施框架 被引量:43

Stragetic Implementation Framework for the Greening Development of the Belt and Road Initiative
摘要 本研究认为推进实施绿色化"一带一路"战略是我国与沿线各国深化经济合作,展示负责任大国形象,规避环境风险,促进顺利实现"五通"的根本要求。同时,我国实施绿色化"一带一路"战略还面临着对外投资的环境管控制度不健全,"一带一路"沿线不少国家和地区生态环境脆弱,环境管理基础弱,以及沿线各国和地区发展阶段及环保诉求不同,区域合作平台与机制不完善等内外因素带来的挑战。本文结合我国实施"一带一路"战略的国际、国内形势研判,提出了推进"一带一路"绿色发展的战略框架,建议加快推进四项重点工作,包括强化绿色发展规划顶层设计,健全风险规制机制,构建对外投资行为调控机制,形成有效的"共通"保障机制。 This research proposed that greening the Belt and Road Initiative is the fundamental requirements in furthering economic cooperation with countries along the belt and road, showing the image as a responsible great power, avoiding environmental risks, and promoting the smooth realization of connectivity in five aspects as road, trade, currency, policy and the public. Meanwhile, greening China's The Belt and Road Initiative still facing challenges brought by both internal and external causes, including the defective environmental control system of the overseas investment, fragile ecological environment and weak foundation of environmental management of countries and regions along the belt and road, different developmental stages and environmental demands of the related countries and regions, as well as the incomplete regional cooperation platform and mechanism. This paper put forwards a strategic framework of promoting greening of the Belt and Road Initiative based on the domestic and international situations. The following four implementation mechanisms are included as strengthening top-level design of green development planning, perfecting the risk control mechanism, establishing regulatory mechanism of foreign investment behaviors, and constructing an effective safeguard mechanism.
出处 《中国环境管理》 2016年第2期31-35,41,共6页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Management
基金 环境保护部财政预算项目"一带一路"生态环境保护专项规划研究支持
关键词 “一带一路” 绿色发展 战略框架 政策机制 the Belt and Road Initiative green development strategic framework policy mechanism
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