Objective The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of different ages on pharmaclkinetics of fentanyl citrate in patients spinal anesthesia. Thus fentanyl citrate may be used reasonally and safely in clinical practice. Methods Sixty-six patients spinal surgery were divided into 3 age groups. Each group had eight patients. The age of the patients in group Ⅰ ranged from 6-16 years,in group Ⅱ 18-50 years and in group Ⅲ 60-82 years . Blood samples were obtained from radial artery 1、3、5、12、22、32、62、122、242、362 min following a bolus injection of fentanyl citrate 4ug/kg-1. Plasma fentanyl citrate concentration was determined by GC-MS. The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using 3P87 computer program. Results Plasma fentanyl citrate concentration reached its peak rapidly following a bolus in jection. The plasma conceatration versus time curve was fitted to three-compartment open modle using triexponential equation . Although the patients of different age groups received equivalent dose of fentanyl citrate( 4ug/kg -1) ,plasma concentration was higher in elderly patients. This resulted from a prolonged t1/2βin the elderly patients( group Ⅲ) . Vc and Vd increased significantly in group Ⅱ and Ⅲpatients(P<0. 05) . t1/2л and t1/2α were similar in three groups( P > 0. 05) . CL decreased markedly in group Ⅲ( P < 0. 05) . Significant correlations were found between age and both t1/2β and CL( P<0. 05) . Conclusions Use of fentanyl citrate in children may follow the guidelines suggested for adults. In elderly the dose of fentanyl citrate should be reduced to prolonged t1/2β and decreased CL.
China Health Care & Nutrition