The way to use the least-mean-square (LMS) arithmetic to cancel the direct wave for a passive radar system is introduced. The model of the direct wave is deduced. By using the LMS adaptive FIR filter, the software solution for FM passive radar system is developed instead of the hardware consumption of the existent experiment system of passive radar. Further more some simulative results are given. The simulative results indicate that using LMS arithmetic to cancel the direct wave is effective.
The way to use the least-mean-square (LMS) arithmetic to cancel the direct wave for a passive radar system is introduced. The model of the direct wave is deduced. By using the LMS adaptive FIR filter, the software solution for FM passive radar system is developed instead of the hardware consumption of the existent experiment system of passive radar. Further more some simulative results are given. The simulative results indicate that using LMS arithmetic to cancel the direct wave is effective.
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