
国医大师刘祖贻治疗不寐的学术特色及用药规律分析 被引量:26

Analysis on academic characteristics and medication rules of traditional Chinese medical master Liu Zu-yi for treating insomnia
摘要 分析国医大师刘祖贻治疗不寐的学术特色及用药规律。通过应用中医传承辅助平台软件,收集和整理刘教授治疗不寐的临床病案178例,录入中医传承辅助系统(V2. 5)软件,对病案资料进行基本信息、证候频次、证型、证素提取、药物频次、药物四气、五味、归经分布、组方规律、新方分析等数据挖掘,得到使用频次>100的高频药物有合欢皮、龙骨、夜交藤、牡蛎、酸枣仁、山楂;常用组合有龙骨-牡蛎;酸枣仁-夜交藤;酸枣仁-合欢皮-夜交藤等;挖掘出由炒麦芽、酸枣仁、鸡内金、生地黄、百合组成的7首新处方。结合刘教授学术特色的重点介绍,以及加入典型案例的说明佐证,把学术特色、数据支撑和典型医案有机结合在一起,相互印证,客观地总结出了刘教授治疗不寐的学术经验:治病上,必求于本,本有三意;辨证上,辨明虚实;治法上,补虚泻实,调燮五脏,重在心肝,妙在治肝;用药上,安神为要,护胃顾脾,同时,常配合使用'引阳三药(法半夏、夏枯草、夜交藤)'与'敛阳三药(龙骨、牡蛎、酸枣仁)';调护上,贵在安神,重在养形,提出安神三法和养形三法。 To analyze the academic characteristics and medication rules of traditional Chinese medical master Liu Zu-yi for treating insomnia.Totally 178 cases of insomnia treated by Professor Liu were collected,and the treatment data were input into traditional Chinese medicine inheritance support system(TCMISS)by using data mining methods,such as essential information,frequency statistics of symptoms,syndrome type statistics,extraction of syndrome elements,frequency statistics of drugs;and four properties and five tastes of drugs,distribution of meridians,regularity of prescriptions,new prescription analysis were mined.It was found that the most commonly used drugs(over 100 times)were Albiziae Cortex,Longgu,Polygoni Multiflori Caulis,Ostreae Concha,Ziziphi Spinosae Semen,Crataegi Fructus;the commonly used couplet medicines were Longgu-Ostreae Concha,Ziziphi Spinosae Semen-Polygoni Multiflori Caulis,Ziziphi Spinosae Semen-Albiziae Cortex-Polygoni Multiflori Caulis;and seven new prescriptions in treating insomnia were explored,such as prescriptions containing Hordei Fructus Germinatus,Ziziphi Spinosae Semen,Galli Gigerii Endothelium Corneum,Rehmanniae Radix,Lilii Bulbus.Based on the introduction and discussion of Professor Liu’s academic views and characteristics on insomnia treatment and the illustrative evidences added to the typical case list,this paper combines the academic characteristics,data support and typical medical records to verify each other,and objectively summarizes his academic experience for treating insomnia.Treatment shall focus on the primary cause of disease in three aspects;syndrome differentiation shall distinguish between excessive disease and deficient disease;therapy shall reinforce deficiency and reduce diarrhea,regulate the five internal organs,and emphasizes the heart and liver,particularly the liver;medication shall focus on the drugs for calming the mind and protecting the stomach and spleen,which are commonly combined with three types of traditional Chinese medicine with effect in introduci
作者 马珂 刘芳 寿雅琨 周胜强 周春吉 王琦 曾楚楚 刘祖贻 MA Ke;LIU Fang;SHOU Ya-kun;ZHOU Sheng-qiang;ZHOU Chun-ji;WANG Qi;ZENG Chu-chu;LIU Zu-yi(Hunan University of Chinese Medicine,Changsha 410208,China;the Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Academy of Chinese Medicine,Changsha 410006,China;Hunan Academy of Chinese Medicine,Changsha 410006,China)
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期2607-2615,共9页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 国家中医药管理局“刘祖贻国医大师传承工作室建设项目”(国中医药办人教发[2015]24) 湖南省中医药科研计划项目(201505) 湖南省中医药研究院院级科研项目(201305)
关键词 不寐 学术特色 用药规律 刘祖贻 insomnia academic characteristics medication rule Liu Zu-yi
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