The selenium enriched yeast containing 4700ppm of selenium was prepared and dialyzable selenium compositionwas studied.The dynamics of seleniumenriched yeast and sodium selenite intwo kinds of dosage in animal bloodwas observed and the half-life of sel-enium in blood,selenium deposition intissues and the median lethal dose wasdetermineed.The deposition of the two speciesof selenium in human hair and the ur-inary excertion of selenium was alsomeasured.The bioavailability and bioac-tivity of the two species of seleniumwas studied comparatively in humanbody,using selenium content and glut-athione peroxdase activity in blood asa index,we compared the relation bet-ween the two species of selenium andX-ray efficacious rates of therapyingKashin-Beck's disease respectively.The results revealed that both of bioav-ailability and bioactivity of seleniumenriched yeast in human body werehigher than that of sodium selenite.
Chinese Journal of Endemiology