本文简要地叙述和论证了识别线性振动系统频率与阻尼的一种方法,即随机减量技术(RandomDecrement Technique)的理论,实验方法与数据处理。在引言中介绍了美国对这种方法的使用概况以及它的主要特徵,节二叙述了在单自由度系统与多自由度系统中应用这种时域识别方法所依据的理论基础,节三讨论了实验方法与数据处理,在讨论误差分析的节四中,进一步论证了这种技术的可靠件及其依赖的条件,最后一节展望了这种方法的前景以及在非线性系统中应用所遇到的问题。
The Random Decrement technigue is a method used to measure the dam-ping and frequecy of a linear structural system.In this paper its theory,experi-ments and data processing are given.Some cases of using this techniguein theUnited States are summarized in seetion 1.In section 2 the theoretical basis ofthis techniqne cansidered as a method of parameter identification in the time domain are discussed for one-degree and multi-degree of freedom.Section 3gives the steps for making experiments and processing of data.In section 4 theerror prodaced by using this technique is also analysed.Finally prospect as toits future extension and its appliastion to non-linear systems is discussed in thelast section.
Journal of Vibration and Shock