基于"互联网+"的理念,利用三菱Q系列PLC和MES模块,建立一套包括硬件搭建、软件设计的智能3D雕刻控制生产系统。该系统以自主开发搭建的小程序为依托,选取Windows10专业版作为服务器的平台,数据的采集、传输和控制依靠QCPU+MES模块,选取SQL Server数据库系统进行数据的分析和处理,并使用机械手臂进行原料的填充和成品的抓取,实现高度的自动化、智能化。用户仅需要利用微信APP进行扫码即可下单。此外,厂家可以通过SQL Server数据库提供的数据反馈,监测机器是否正常运行。
Based on the concept of "Internet plus", we build an intelligent 3 D engraving control production system of hardware setup and software design, utilizing the MITSUBISHI Q series PLC and MES module. The system, which is based on the newly proposed small program, employs Windows 10 pro as Server platform. While data collection, transmission and controlling relies on QCPU + MES module, data analysis and processing is based upon SQL Server system. The application of mechanical arm for materials filling and product grabbing makes automation and intelligence possible. Users only need We Chat for ordering via scan the QR code. In addition, the manufacturer can monitor the machine through the feedback of SQL Server.
Automation Panorama1