目的 探讨预饱和脂肪抑制技术在乳腺MRI检查中的临床应用价值。资料与方法 对 5 8例乳腺疾病患者进行常规MRI平扫、脂肪抑制MRI平扫和脂肪抑制动态增强MRI扫描 ,对比分析SET1WI、FSET2 WI、脂肪抑制SET1WI、脂肪抑制FSET2 WI和脂肪抑制SET1WI增强扫描 5种图像对病变的检出情况及病变形态和内部信号的显示效果。结果 ( 1)对病变的检出 ,脂肪抑制增强扫描明显优于平扫各图像 ,检出率达 10 0 % ,平扫各图像对病变的检出无显著性差别 ,其中以脂肪抑制T2 WI为最好 ,检出率为 93.1% ,脂肪抑制T1WI最差 ,检出率为 85 .0 6 % ;( 2 )在病变形态的显示上 ,虽然脂肪抑制T2 WI效果较好 ,但与常规T2 WI相比并无显著性差别 ,而脂肪抑制的增强扫描则明显优于平扫各图像 ;( 3)在病变内部信号的显示方面 ,脂肪抑制的平扫 (包括T1WI、T2 WI)明显优于常规平扫 ,而脂肪抑制的增强扫描明显优于平扫各图像。结论 乳腺MRI平扫中脂肪抑制的应用对病变的检出及内部信号的显示具明显优势 ,以脂肪抑制T2 WI效果更好 ;在脂肪抑制基础上进行动态增强扫描不仅对病变强化的形态学特征显示良好 ,明显提高病变的检出率 ,而且能准确判断病变强化程度 ,观察病变血流灌注的动态变化过程 ,明显提高了MRI对乳腺疾病诊断的准确性 。
Objective To assess the clinical application of presaturation pulse for fat suppression in breast MRI.Materials and Methods Conventional MRI, fat suppression MRI and fat suppression dynamic contrast enhanced MRI were performed in 58 patients with breast lesions. The detection, demonstration and signal features of the breast lesions were observed and compared between SE T 1WI, FSE T 2WI, fat suppression SE T 1WI, fat suppression FSE T2WI and fat suppression enhanced SE T 1WI images.Results (1) Detecting rate of the lesion for fat suppression enhanced SE T 1WI, fat suppression T 2WI and fat suppression T 1WI was 100%, 93.1% and 85.06%, respectively. (2) Fat suppression enhanced SE T 1WI was obviously superior to plain scans in displaying the lesion's morphology. (3) In showing the lesion's internal signal features, fat suppression enhanced SE T 1WI was superior to plain scans, while plain fat suppression scan (both T 1WI and T 2WI) was superior to conventional scans. Conclusion MRI fat suppression technique, especially T 2WI, has obvious advantages in detecting breast lesion and in displaying lesion's internal signal. Fat suppression enhanced MRI can not only well demonstrate lesion's morphology, but also correctly display the enhancement degree and the dynamic process of the blood perfusion. Therefore, fat suppression technique is of great value in enhanced MRI for the exam of breast lesions.
Journal of Clinical Radiology