AIM:To explore the dynamic changing regularity of recurrent rate of unipolar dep ression. METHODS:Lavori,et al( 1994) indicated that it was followed for 15 years in 359 patients with unipolar depression with index onset remission. The cumulative probability of recurrent depression at 0 year was 0% and 13% at 0.5 year,th en it was followed up yearly from 1 to 15 years.The cumulative probability of re current depression 28% ,43% , 52% , 59% , 62% , 66% , 68% , 71% , 74% , 75% , 80% , 81% , 82% , 82% and 87% respectively. Curved fi t was made to the longitudinal change of the probability. RESULTS:There was a logarithmic curve regularity between cumulative recurrent possibility and time in patients with unipolar depression[y=20.50+ 24.01× ln( x+ 0.4),R2=0.9945].Its recurrent cumulative probability increased obviously alo ng with the elongation of follow- up,and its form was similar to the logarithmi c curve of y=a+ b× lnx,so logarithmic curve was used.The result showed that th e curve would never pass the dot,that was to say,it wouldn't pass the point that stood for the 0- year follow- up and recurrent cumulative probability was 0% .So lnx was changed into ln(x+ K)(K is a constant),then K was substitued by 0. 38, 0.40, 0.41, 0.43 respectively,it was found that the maximam correlative index(R2) was 0.9945,its logarithmic equation was y=20.50+ 24.01× ln(x+ 0.4). CONCLUSION:Recurrent cumulative probability can be analyzed with logarithmic equation,and the recurrent rate during an interval in 15 years can be calculated according to the equation.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation