AIM:To explore the correlation between physiological characteristics and clin ical manifestation in patients with acute myocardial infarction(AMI), and to dis cuss the possibility of psychological intervention. METHODS:After 7-10 d of being in hospital,65 cases of patients with AMI wer e evaluated by using clinical mental health symptom checklist (SCL- 90),the res ults were compared with their clinical manifestation indices during acute stage( the area of myocardial infarction and had complication or not). RESULTS:The scores of somatization(1.64± 0.51),compulsion(1.89± 0.43),depre ssion(1.92± 0.49),anxiety(1.84± 0.50),terror(1.63± 0.42),paranoid(1.71± 0.58 ) and psychosis(1.63± 0.43) in SCL- 90 in patients with AMI were significantly higher than those of the healthy subjects (t=2.129-2.306,P< 0.05).The score o f somatization,compulsion, depression,anxiety,terror,paranoid and psychosis in S CL- 90 in patients with large infarction areaCorrelation between physiological characteristics and clinical man ifestation in patients with acute myocardial infarction $$$$ Jing- Yu Hou Jing- Yu Hou,Department of Emergence,First Affiliated Hospital,Xinxiang Medi cal College,Xinxiang 453100,Henan Province,China Abstract AIM:To explore the correlation between physiological characteristics and clin ical manifestation in patients with acute myocardial infarction(AMI), and to dis cuss the possibility of psychological intervention. METHODS:After 7-10 d of being in hospital,65 cases of patients with AMI wer e evaluated by using clinical mental health symptom checklist (SCL- 90),the res ults were compared with their clinical manifestation indices during acute stage( the area of myocardial infarction and had complication or not). RESULTS:The scores of somatization(1.64± 0.51),compulsion(1.89± 0.43),depre ssion(1.92± 0.49),anxiety(1.84± 0.50),terror(1.63± 0.42),paranoid(1.71± 0.58 ) and psychosis(1.63± 0.43) in SCL- 90 in patients with AMI were significantly higher than those of the healthy subjects (t=2.129-2.306,P< 0.05).
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation