文言短篇小说历经六朝志怪、唐人传奇 ,到宋元已一蹶不振。然而进入清代 ,蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》却异峰突起 ,取得了文言短篇小说的最高成就。本文从科场失意的经历、不同凡俗的才华。
Stories in classical Chinese experience the ghost and haunting stories in the SixDynasties and leg-ends in TongDynasty,buttheybecome less popular in Songand Yuan Dynasty,while in QingDynasty,writ-ten byPu Songling,”Liaozhai”reaches the highestachievements and brings the newpeak of stories in classi-cal Chinese.This paper explores the reasons for this fromthe aspect of personal experience,exceptional tal-ents,and personality.
Journal of Nantong Vocational University