牛心包材料是一种以胶原蛋白为主要成分的天然生物材料。为了研究牛心包作为组织工程材料的可能 ,本实验通过采用失重法、蛋白质检测法及氨基酸测定法定量地研究和对比了几种不同改性方法处理过的牛心包的体外降解规律 ,力求找到一种改性方法使材料既有可控的降解性 ,又有较小的抗原性 ,以使牛心包成为一种良好的可降解性 GTR材料。研究结果显示 ,用乙醇封端处理的心包相对于戊二醛及环氧交联处理的心包 ,在降解性方面更易满足可降解 GTR材料的要求。
Bovine pericardium is mainly composed of collagen which has many good properties of extracellular matrix. This in vitro study was performed to quantitatively investigate and compare the degradation behavior of the bovine pericardia, which were modified with different methods. The purpose is to find out one mehtod that presents not only the degradation regularity of material but also minimum antigenicity, so that bovine pericardium can be used as a well degradable guide tissue regeneration material. The results of the experiments showed that the bovine pericardium treated with ethanol is more appreciated than that treated with epoxy cross linking agent or glutaraldehyde.The mensuration of protein and special amino acid may be a useful base of constructing a mathematic model for further researches on the rate of degradation of bovine pericardium.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 9973 0 12 )