合格境外机构投资者证券投资管理暂行办法 ,(QFII)的引进 ,并于 12月 1日正式实施。究竟为中国资本市场带来了什么 ?是大量吸引了外资 ,进而完善壮大了我国的资本市场 ,还是冲击了国内资本市场 ,干扰了资本市场的正常运行。弄清这一问题对我国资本市场的完全开放具有十分重要的意义。
On November 7,China security administration and the people bank of China made an unitr announcement about 'The measure about the secur ity investment at present in china abided by QFII'and defined the firmal implement day-December 1. What on earth is brought into the capital market of China after the introduce of QFII? Is it abstracting a great deal of foreign investment and perfecting our capital market or lashing it and interfering the formal motion of the capital market. To make clear of such problem is very meaningful for China security market's complete opening-up.
Commercial Research