目的 :观察肾毒血清性肾炎大鼠肾组织超微结构变化及肾炎益气液对该变化的影响。方法 :采用大鼠肾毒血清性肾炎模型 ,常规电镜制片、染色 ,观察肾组织超微结构的变化。结果 :注射肾毒血清 (NTS)后 ,病理组大鼠电镜下可见明显的系膜细胞增生 ,系膜基质增多 ,毛细血管腔闭塞及上皮下、内皮下电子致密物沉积等多种病理损伤性变化。而肾炎益气液组上述病变有所减轻。结论
AIM: To investigate the therapeutic effects o f 'Shen Yan Yi Qi solution', a Chinese medicine, on nephrotoxic serum (NTS) ne phritis in rats. METHODS: Nephrotoxic serum nephritis model of rat was cre ated by Clarke's method, and changes in ultrastructure of kidney were examined. RESULTS: Seven weeks after NTS injectio n, mesangial proliferation, glomerular basement membrane (GBM) thickening and bl ood capillary's cavity emphraxi s were shown in model group. At the same time, deposits under epithelia and endo thelium were observed. Obviously foot process confluence, fragmentation at seven weeks after NTS injection were also observed in model group. However, seven wee k s after NTS injection, GBM was generally normal. A small amount of foot process confluence, fragmentation and local GBM thickening were observed in 'Shen Yan Y i Qi solution' group. In 'Shen Yan Yi Qi solution' group, all the above lesi ons were alleviated. CONCLUSION: It demonstrated that 'Shen Yan Yi Qi solution' might decrease the ultrastructural changes in the kidney of ra ts suffering from experimental nephrotoxic serum nephritis.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology