This paper discusses the relationship between the types of earthquake—generating faults and the earthquake types which occurred on the faults with various types. The authors consider that the type of earthquake occurred on arc—like fault is mostly mainshock—aftershock type or main shock—strong aftershock type; the flat—straight fault leads to mainsheck—weak aftershock type; the fold line fault leads to the continuous great earthquake type; the conjugate fault contrastwith the double shock type when the conjugate angle is located tensile strain region and the broken faults region have seismic swarm type. It points out the effect of structural condition at focal end, which has modulating action, on earthquake type, whether, the structure at focal end can offer enough abdicating condition for fault disturbance during earthquake or not will result in the difference of earthquake type. Finally, it also discusses the effect of geographic conditions of seismic fault on the maximum seismic intensity, and some questions that need studying in future.
Northwestern Seismological Journal