研制的 0 0 2C 2 5 16Cr 2 5 2 1Ni 4 2 5Mo 3 0 8Cu奥氏体不锈钢的铸态组织中有碳化物和σ金属间相析出 ,经 6 5 0℃× 2h空冷敏化处理后 ,仍具有良好的抗晶间腐蚀性能 ,该钢经 115 0℃× 2h水冷固溶处理 ,可得到单一的奥氏体组织 。
There are carbide and σ phase precipitated in the structure of developed casting austenite stainless steel 0 02 C 25 16 Cr 25 21 Ni 4 25 Mo 3 08 Cu, and the steel sensitizing heat treated at 650℃ for 2 h has nice intergranular corrosion resistance. The developed steel has austenite single phase structure and high pitting corrosion resistance by solid solution treaded at 1 150 ℃ for 2 h, water cooling.
Special Steel