通过解剖钨合金穿甲模拟弹侵彻装甲钢时在装甲钢中留下的弹坑发现 ,当装甲是 2 0 0℃回火态时 ,弹坑坑口直径大于弹杆直径 ,弹坑内没有留下反向喷溅金属流的残留物 ;当装甲是 4 70℃回火态时 ,在坑口附近出现反向喷溅金属流的堆积物。由于出现这些堆积物使坑口直径小于弹体直径。坑口附近的堆积物曾是熔化了的装甲 ,在堆积物中还有没有熔化、呈块状的装甲颗粒 ,在堆积物中没有钨或钨合金的痕迹。这些结果表明 ,侵彻过程中穿甲弹的挤压是将装甲液体化 ,凿是将装甲凿成颗粒 ,使其成为反向喷溅的金属流 。
Through anatomizing craters in armour steel produced by tungsten alloy penetrators, it has been found that the crater pithead diameter is larger than the long-rod diameter and there is no the remainder of reverse ejecting metal flows in craters when the armour is in 200℃temper state;when the armour is in 470℃temper state,there is some deposit of reverse ejecting metal flows near the pitheads,which is a reason why the crater pithead diameter is smaller than the long-rod diameter.The deposit near the pitheads contains the melt of armour plates as well as some non-melt particles of armour plates,and there is no tungsten in the deposit. These results show that the pressing of penetrators in invading processes makes armour plates liquify and the chipping of penetrators in invading processes make armour plates become grains,and the reverse ejecting metal flows are the mixture of fluid metal and metallic grains.
Ordnance Material Science and Engineering