针对两种方法制备并经不同温度处理的ZnO纳米粉末样品 ,利用TEM检测其颗粒尺寸和形态 ,测定它们的红外吸收光谱和红外漫反射光谱 ,分析ZnO纳米粉末的红外光吸收特性及特征的尺寸、形态效应。结果表明 ,对球状ZnO纳米粉末而言 ,粒度越小 ,红外吸收能力略有增强 ,但小尺寸效应不突出 ;而对四脚晶须状ZnO纳米粉末而言 ,则表现出强烈的小尺寸效应和形态效应 ,粒度越小 ,红外吸收能力越强。同时还发现 ,球状和四脚晶须状ZnO纳米粉末的红外漫反射K -M函数的对数值与样品颗粒粒度之间存在近似的线性关系 ,颗粒尺寸越小 ,K
The morphological shapes and particle sizes of two groups of ZnO nanoparticles which were fabricated by two methods and annealed at different temperatures were measured using TEM.Their infrared spectrum characters were analyzed through their infrared reflection-absorption spectra and diffuse reflectance spectra.The results indicate that the characters of the infrared reflection-absorption spectra and diffuse reflectance spectra are obviously different for different ZnO nanoparticles which have different morphological structures and sizes;for ZnO tetrapod nanowhiskers,the effects of shape and size are more strong.And it can be found that the logarithm of K-M value is linear to the particle size approximately.
Ordnance Material Science and Engineering