哲学知识论及其真理观作为具有重大而深刻的思想认识观念 ,对哲学和科学的发展起过重要的作用。然而在近现代 ,在追求所谓科学性和客观性的实证主义思潮推动下 ,过度膨胀的知识论倾向却导致两种后果 :一方面 ,哲学力图使自己科学化而使其变成普遍的知识 ,另一方面 ,哲学却越来越远离日常生活而失去其社会影响力 ,并导致其社会地位的下降。本文通过讨论海德格尔、维特根斯坦和罗蒂等对知识论真理观的批判与超越 ,对后哲学文化反传统哲学知识论的立场及其真理观的意义给予评论。
Philosophical epistemology as well as its outlook on truth, as a significant and influential epistemological concept, has played a crucial role in the development of philosophy and science. In modern and contemporary times, however, motivated by positivism for so-called scientificity and objectivity, the unchecked development of such epistemology has led to two outcomes: on the one hand, philosophy has tried to become a universally accepted knowledge through scientizing itself; on the other hand, philosophy is getting further away from our daily life, and has lost its social influence and enjoys little prestige. Through a discussion of the critique and transcendence of epistemological outlook on truth by M. Heidegger, L.Wittgenstein and others, the author expounds the significance of post-modern philosophy in criticizing the traditional epistemology and its outlook on truth.$$$$
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition