平湖油气田作为东海海域第一个投入开发的油气田 ,开发至今已三年有余 ,原油于 1 998年 1 1月投产 ,天然气于 1 999年 4月投产 ,目前已有 7口油井 (其中定向井 4口 ,水平井 3口 )生产 ,截止到2 0 0 2年 6月底 ,累计生产原油 2 4 7.2× 1 0 4 m3,天然气 1 1× 1 0 8m3(包括油藏伴生气 ) ,凝析油 1 8.7×1 0 4 m3,原油采出程度 2 3.6% ,综合含水 61 % ,天然气采出程度 8.3% ,平均年产量在 5 0× 1 0 4 t以上 ,采油速度始终维持在 7%以上。回顾三年来的开发历程 ,既有成功经验 ,也有失败教训 ,为东海的进一步开发提供和积累了宝贵的实践经验。
Pinghu oil & gas field, the first developed field in the East China Sea, has been developed for 3 years. It started to produce crude oil in November 1998 and natural gas in April 1999. At the end of June, 2002, the field included 7 oil wells (4 direction, 3 horizontal ) and the produced crude oil, natural gas (including dissolve gas), condensate oil are 247.2×10 4m 3, 11×10 8m 3and 18.7×10 4m 3 respectively. The oil recovery percent is 23.6%, field water cut is 61% and natural gas recovery is 8.3%. The yearly crude oil output is more than 50×10 4t, the yearly off-take rate is maintained above 7%. Looking back the 3 years' development road, we got a lot of success and as well as lessons and we hope our experience be helpful to the development of other field in the East China Sea.
Offshore Oil
Pinghu oil & gas field
production feature
horizontal well
formation pressure